January 2025
Let me speak of the FEZtival of Trees to start with. It was held again Dec. 7&8 at the Bridwell AG Center. We had a total of 6 trees displayed with a spectrum of gifts, from tools, to bicycles, games, Mary Kay items, United gift cards, toys and sport balls of all kinds. Each tree had $500.00 worth of retail under each tree for a $2 raffle ticket the Tree, decorations, and gifts could be won. It was larger with more people than last year. We made more money than last year but are still waiting on a couple of bills to reach the final numbers. Thanks to Potentate Bill and Lady Cathy for their vision on this fundraiser as well as all the Nobles that was able to attend.
I want to say that the Temple was really in the Christmas glow. It looks good. Thanks to all the people that came to help decorate. Judy and I were out of town and couldn't pitch in on this one. So... good job to all. We all will be taking it down on Dec 28th at 10am. If you can help, please come lend a hand on this as well. Again thanks to Nobles and Ladies on this one.
Happy Hour will be Dec 19th at the Temple. This will be our last time to form up before the Christmas Holliday. Take some time and let's get to together for the Christmas and New Year Holliday. Potentate Bill will be buying birthday drinks.
I have said this before we need to keep in touch with the new Nobles. We need to get them involved in some unit or even get a new one started. We have some ideas for additional units but are looking for ideas on something that would spark some interest. Just speak out and let us know..
If you missed the meeting last night, we did have a noble step into the O.G. role. Lawrence Bennett will take that role on starting Jan 2025. We all wish Noble Bennett a successful upcoming year.
I have one last item. I need to thank Potentate Bill Hammack and his Lady Cathy for their commitment and support of Maskat Shrine Temple. They have really tried to be proactive and bring some fresh ideas for fundraisers and activities.
The year has gone fast and we all need to thank ya'll again. Good Year !!!
PP and Recorder
Calvin Carlton
December 2024
I first would like to welcome Cathy back to the office. Have missed her and am glad she is healing up even with Greg caring for her. Yea Cathy!!
We have a fundraising event coming up. The Feztival of Trees December 7th and 8th at the Bridwell Ag Center. Last year the temple cleared over $1100.00 and fully anticipate this year to be bigger and better. This is not an event that requires a lot of manpower BUT we need at least 4-5 Nobles at the event while it's open. We would be selling the tickets for $2 each. It's a very easy sell. If drawn the consumer would win the tree, all decorations, and gifts under that tree. Call Potentate Bill to volunteer.
As on our schedule, we will be decorating the Temple for Christmas on November 23rd at 10 AM. We will need some folks at the Temple for a couple of hours to knock this out. With a small group it just doesn't take long. Hope to see you there. Questions call Cathy in office or Jody Miller.
Joey V. made a good point last night about new members. We, as Shriners, need to reach out and call new members to simply invite them to any gathering or special event. It's our job to keep their interest in the Shrine. Cathy will have any contact information needed. Please reach out !!
Another shout out to Noble Ed Hall. As of yesterday he is in the hospital with pneumonia. I trust Big Ed will be home by the time this reaches everyone. My best wishes to you Ed and Pam.
We have Happy hour at the Temple on December 19th. Come out and visit with all before Christmas. Last item: We need an Oriental Guide for 2025. We have gone through this every year. It's not as expensive as you have been led to believe. As far as time there is just a couple of meetings out of town to attend. While here we do split up as much as needed. I ask that we have an interested Noble to step up. Just ask any Divan member or call the office for needed information.
Yours in Faith
PP and Recorder
Calvin Carlton
November 2024
I'm back, with some limited restriction. It seems like forever. Last night was our Stated Meeting and it was great to see the Nobles that
attended. 37 in total but several were from out of town with one Noble that has not been to a meeting in years, Thomas Hopson. It was
good to visit with him and Thomas please come back. Would love to finish our visit. While on this Jimmy Oakley drove in from Dallas to
receive his service award of 50 years. It's always good to see Jimmy. Thanks to all and welcome to our new member, Thomas Hendler.
Due to a lot of cancellations we have had to postpone our Fall Ceremonial. We will try again this Spring to get it on the calendar.
October 19th is our Maskat Rib Cook. This is headed by Terry Martin and his boy Friday Mark Patterson. Looks like we are going to have a good one. Lots of ribs sold. This is always a good fund raiser and fun to participate in the cooking itself. More after the fact.
We are having our Calendar meeting on October 24. All unit heads need to be there to put your activities on the books. Again this will be over by the time you get this Wildcat, I'm just catching up.
October 26th is the Halloween Party at the Temple. We haven't had one in quite a while. There will be music, food, and a costume contest. Grab your girl and come to the Shrine for a scary good time. $30 a couple that includes all the above !!
Last but not least, it's time to announce any noble running for O.G. I don't plan on preaching to anyone but we need this position filled. The view is nice on the sideline but people have to help our Temple move forward. Ask any Divan member if you have questions !!
Yours in Faith,
PP and Recorder
Calvin Carlton
October 2024
Recorder P.P. Calvin Carlton is still recovering from knee surgery - and from po9ssibly getting out and overdoing it a little bit!! He appreciates all the well wishes and can't wait to be back. Calvin is looking forward to seeing everyone at the October meetings.
September 2024
Being dark, things have been a little slower. It's been a welcome change for a little down time.
Let's mention some activities upcoming in September:
Wed.4th -- Unit Council and Divan meeting starting 6:30
Tue. 10 -- Stated meeting, dinner 6:30 Meeting 7:30
Thur. 19th -- Happy Hour and Birthday Party at the Temple 5:30
Last -- Provost Guard will have their Fall Invitational in Tyler TX.
Sept. 26-28. Good Luck to all in their competition.
We received a check from Foundation Auto for their 2024 sponsorship. Thanks goes out to Brad Rodgers and the team at Foundation for their involvement in our Fraternity and our mission.
Looking at the Wildcat advertisers I noticed several NEW ads. It's good to see that interest. Nobles please support these people and their business. Tell them you read their ads in our Wildcat. It will make a difference.
Again, I will be out for knee surgery during our next Unit Council/ Divan and Stated Meetings. Will see all as soon as possible.
Calvin Carlton PP, Recorder
August 2024
Well it's been a while. I have seen several Nobles during the dark period and you just don't realize how much you miss the camaraderie of
our fraternity with limited contact. As I am writing this we are still over a month away from our next stated meeting on September 10th. I am looking forward to seeing you guys and continuing your studies on "The World According To: (Calvin).
A good showing was able to attend TSA the first week in June held in San Angelo. Suez did a good job of putting this event together. Meetings were interesting and Food and Entertainment was spot on. There was some big news: Jerry Gant is stepping down from COB and Greg "Snake" McEwen also stepping down. Two HUGE surprises !! More on this later.
As soon as we returned the Oil Bowl week started. It was very busy as usual but, all the pieces came together and looked like it was well organized. I understand I worry too much about all of this, we have a group of Nobles and Ladies that always come together to make all events look seamless. Big thank you to Yoshi, Sherry Landrum, the Divan, and all Nobles and their Ladies, if I tried to thank all as
I should someone would be omitted and I don't want that. Please accept my heartfelt Thank YOU to all. Couldn't do this without the help.
Our Potentate and Lady has continued the Happy Hour this summer while dark as a chance to see all. We will again have our August Happy Hour on the 15th of the month. Please come we always have snacks and birthday cake.
Imperial was also held in Reno, Nevada, the first week of July. Several Nobles and Ladies attended. Potentate Hammack will have more in his article I'm sure.
Last, I went to Dr. today for my knee and will require surgery. This is scheduled for the 3rd of September. If all holds I will certainly miss September stated meeting. Nothing life threating but may be held up for several weeks.
Calvin Carlton PP, Recorder
June 2024
The Maskat Shrine Golf Tournament was May 3rd and it was a success as usual. Good crowd, good weather, good food, and a good time had by all. Gordy and Ed Hall put on a great tournament with good prizes for all. The rain held back until after we finished and was heading home. As reported we raised $5,324.00 after all expenses. Everyone walked away with something. Good Job to all !!
The next day we went to "Bing's at the River" for a Picnic and 4-wheelin to the River. Joey had a Path cut from picnic area to the river. There was several 4-wheelers there to trek around the grounds. Still a little wet but we went down to get muddy. Joey brought his cooker and treated all to Hot Dogs and Hamburgers and chips. If you missed this, you simply missed a very good time. I have heard this will happen again next year so do your self a favor and don't miss it twice.
On April 6th we had a Texas High Tea at the Temple. Jerry and Bev Sloan supplied the dishes again, set tables, and decorated the ballroom (see Wildcat for Pictures). It was a full function again and finished raising the money for cleaning the tank / pond at the Hatton Road land. Good Job again to all that helped and those that attended. It was a success also.
April 13th Potentate Hammack had a Past Potentate's dinner at the Temple. It was open to all Nobles and guests as well. We had 90 total people attending. I thought this was a good idea and went very well as proved by the number of people attending. There was was also patient ambassadors there to speak. Again if you missed this you missed a real tug at the heart story from them. If you get this chance again I would urge you not to miss it. Good idea from our Potentate and his Lady.
TSA is coming quick. If you haven't please make plans to go. The Temple is paying 1/2 of the Noble registration this year. We would like to make a good showing.
Last item is the Oil Bowl. Yoshi is on point, calls are coming in, and Sherry is securing meals. Life looks good so far. We need to secure the ads for the Program and get them to Billy and Bev for a timely printing. We will be back at Memorial Stadium this year. Nobles please purchase your tickets and wear the Fez in the stands for exposure. Last big special event of the year. Let's put on a good show but we are in need of help. If you have some time please call Cathy at the office. We have time frames and slots for anyone that can help us with this huge special event.
Calvin Carlton PP, Recorder
May 2024
Let's start with the Easter Egg Hunt last March 30th. It again was a great success. The Clowns put out 2,000 eggs and they were all gathered in roughly 4 1/2 minutes. The food was good as well as the fellowship. Big thanks to all Nobles involved. One of my favorite events of the year.
Now how about that High Tea event. We had just over 120 paid guests, the food was out of the world (again), and we kept the guests full of the Pink Punch and all was good in the world. Jerry gathered up lots of help so we need to send a big thank you to all involved. Jerry and Bev cleared $1,863.79 to finish the tank on the land. Good job Bev and your asst. Jerry.
An item came up in our Unit Council meeting and needs to pass along. If anyone needs to address the Nobility in our Stated Meeting, we ask that you come to Unit Council Meeting so that we may get it on the agenda giving you ample time to address what is needed. THANKS.
There is a Provost Guard Fun Shoot on April 27. It's an open event so invite your friends and family. $20 reg. fee for each shooter. Hamburgers and Hot Dogs provided. First bullet down range at 9am. Come out and have some fun in a family friendly event.
There is a Past Potentate Dinner that has three patient Ambassadors speaking. It will be over by the time this comes out but I am hoping for a good turnout. Good idea Bill and Kathy, best of luck. More on this event outcome next month.
The Shrine Golf Tournament is May 3rd. We have room for a few more teams, call Cathy in the office if interested. We again will need some help from the non-golfers to pull this event off. It is a very good fundraiser for the Temple. AND it's a lot of fun. Let's get behind this one again!!
Bing's Picnic (ask Joey) is May 4th at his land on the Red River. Bring out your 4-wheelers and ATV's and sling some mud. No guns and don't chase the cows. Everything else is pretty much a go. This will be a fun event for just us. Any questions ask Joey.
Last item, TSA is in San Angelo. Hope to have a good showing. The Temple is paying 1/2 of your registration fee. You will need to make your own room reservations. They put on a good Divan MidWinter in February with good food and lots of fun. No big city to drive thru to get there. Big plus.
Oil Bowl is coming soon and we are needing help on this Big Event. Call Cathy or Yoshi!!
PP Calvin Carlton, Recorder
April 2024
Just finished our Stated Meeting last night and have a lot of things to cover.
First was a very successful Potentate's Ball 3/2/24. There were lots of guests from other Temples, family of the Potentate, and Nobles from Maskat. The food was very impressive and covered every taste profile you could imagine. The band was good but our own In House "Dictations" stole the show. Out of retirement after 10 years. You guys made the night. If you didn't make it you missed a great time. Thanks!!!
Our Super Bowl Party was 2/11/24 and was a fun time. Tons of food, with some Griffin brisket. Lots of Boards and door prizes. Oh yea it was a good game as well. Thanks Mat Spradlin for getting this put together and even more all the Nobles and their
ladies for actually making this happen as we were at Divan Midwinter. GOOD TIME.
Need to say just a little abour our OG Trip. We loaded the bus with wheels up at 4pm (remember Chip). Good hospital tour, two days of golf, some Hooters chicken wings, the annual donation to the casino, and a lot of fellowship. Again if you missed this you missed a Great Time. Mark Patterson showed us how to play the slot machines!!
Upcoming events - our Easter Egg Hunt is upcoming March 30th at the Shrine Land on Hatton Road. Hamburgers and Dogs with chips at noon, then we will turn the kiddos loose on the eggs. This is a fun event for all and open to all your family and friends. Lets invite some folks and show them all a good time.
Jerry Sloan is putting on another High Tea at the Temple April 6th. Tickets are for sale in the Temple office or call Jerry. This money is going back to the Temple. Again this is an open event. There are 20 tables of 8 available. Last year was completely full and expect the same this year. By the way this one is a Texas High Tea. I've seen the menu and promise you will be impressed. There will be some Champagne for those of age, again. This is fun, please call. THIS IS FOR THE LADIES.
Our Potentate is having a Past Potentate Dinner 4/13/24 at the Temple. There will be 3 Patient Ambassadors speaking. This is open to all Nobles and Public. A chance to show the community what we do. Should be a fun event. Call office for tickets and details.
Our Shrine Golf Tournament will be May 3rd at River Creek Golf Course, 1 pm shotgun start. Call the office to enter a team and any other details. Gordy Antill is chairing this event, AGAIN!! Let's fill this up, proceeds going to Maskat Temple.
By the time you read this, the Daughters of the Nile will have installed their new Queen, Jackie Phillips. We want to wish Queen Jackie all the success in the world. Divan has plans to attend this upcoming Saturday the 16th. Good luck Jackie!!
We had 43 Nobles in attendance last night at Stated Meeting with a very good dinner by the Cooking Unit. Our next meeting will be April 9th, please make plans to attend.
PP Calvin Carlton, Recorder
March 2024
We are off to a pretty good start this year. Had a good Installation of Officers and a fair showing at the Super Bowl Party given the weather. All the Divan was able to attend a shortened meeting and came back knowing the direction Imperial wants to head. Let's get into the good stuff.
As mentioned, the Divan Mid-Winter was February 8-10 in San Angelo and they will be hosting TSA June 6-8. The Counterparts Dinner was one of the best we have had in years. Fun and fellowship for all.
Other upcoming special events coming are:
O.G. Trip (will be over by printing) - as an update it looks as if we have about 22 Nobles with a few guests with us also. Going back to Margaritaville in Shreveport, Louisiana, 22-25 of February. We have a Hospital Tour lined up, golf at a nice Country Club, have the bus taking us again, should be a great time - more later.
Next is the Potentate's Ball, March 2nd at the Temple. Looks like it will be a full house, lots of visitors RSVPed. Close to 130-140 total. I think our Potentate and his Lady have put a lot of thought and planning into this event. Hope you all can come out and support them. Starts at 6pm with reception line, food and dance to follow.
The Easter Egg Hunt is March 30 at the Hatton Road land. We will cook hamburgers/hot dogs and serve chips. This is open to all friends and family, and it's a free event! Shout out to the Clowns, you make this one.
The Shrine Golf Tournament is May 3rd at River Creek Golf Course in Burkburnett. Call your team in as soon as possible. This is always a good/fun tournament. Would love to see 150 players this year. We have also started getting hole sponsors, $100 for a hole sponsorship, call Cathy or Gordy.
A couple of other events that have taken place is the East-West Shrine All-Star game. It was held in Frisco, Texas, at Cowboys practice field, February 1st. We had several Nobles attend and come back very excited about the event and venue. We collected $669 at the January Stated Meeting by passing the hat for a hospital donation, sent to game and ran Maskat's name across the infield as a sponsor. Thank Mark Reed for this idea; he was spot on with this.
I do want to thank all the people that got the Ballroom ready for Super Bowl. The Divan was at Mid-Winter and couldn't help. It was ready to go when the doors opened Sunday, looked very nice. Oh, thanks everyone for the food.
Small note from Hospitals, there will be several outreach clinics opening soon. The first is in San Angelo, Texas (yes!), Oklahoma City and Marshall, Texas. Two outreach Burn Centers, Monterrey, Mexico and Panama City, Panama.
In closing, our Shrine office is closed every Friday and Federal Holidays.
Our next Unit Council/Divan meetings are March 5th, with the Stated Meeting, March 12th. We had 43 Nobles at the February meeting, not bad at all. Let's keep that up.
Calvin Carlton
P.P. Recorder
February 2024
We just finished our January 2024 Installation of Officers last Stated Meeting. It was quite different as Potentate Hammack was in a wheelchair with his leg in a full cast. We didn't see a way we could get all that done with Bill's injury. But visiting with him he told me he was going to "cowboy up" and be there. So ... we did and he was. It really went well all things considered. I do wish Bill all the luck in the world and feel very good about his loyalty and commitment to our great cause. I hope everyone supports our new Potentate's efforts.
Two days later the Daughters of the Nile had a visit from the Supreme Queen. Our Chief Rabban gave the welcoming speech. The Cooking Unit served a delicious roast beef meal topped with two Jerry Sloan cheese cakes. I do believe she was impressed.
We have dates for the O.G. Trip - February 22-24. We will be staying at Margaritaville. We are securing a bus again. We need to get 30+ paying souls to make this work. Remember, it's open to any guy, Shriner or not. The cost is $100 each. You get a bus ride there and back, beverages included while on the bus. We will also have a hospitality room with beverages and light snacks. Wheels up at 4pm Thursday the 22nd and returning Sunday
the 25th at 10am sharp. Call Cathy at office to reserve your spot.
We will also have our annual Super Bowl Party, February 11th starting at 3pm. Bring a covered dish if possible. We will have the boards ready. This is also open to anyone, Shriner or not. Want to show off our Temple and this is a good time for it. Kids are welcome as well. Let's have some fun and win some money!
Our next Stated Meeting will be 2-13-24. We had fifty-two Nobles at Installation. Had several we haven't seen in years. It was very good to see these faces again. Let's try to reach that number attending our next Stated Meeting.
This next item was talked about in our last Divan Meeting. There are some Nobles that think it takes $50,000 plus dollars to run for Potentate. This may have been the case in the past BUT I can assure you that is not the case now. We feel that several good potential Potentates may have opted not to get on the Divan because of this. I would have no problem sharing what I spent and didn't spend if anyone is interested. I'm sure several recent Past Potentates would do the same. This is not a plea for any type of action but we thought the word needed to get out. We are not playing the same game as 50 years ago. The Temple needs good people with good ideas. Again, if you have any questions - ask us.
Last, I'm sure most everyone received a request from Imperial to send money to the East-West All Star Football Game. At our last meeting, P.P. Mark Reed asked me about "passing the hat" and send the proceeds to Imperial as a donation by Maskat. I read the letter to the present Nobles and to our surprise we gathered $669 to support the game to be played at the Cowboy practice field in Frisco, February 1st. Thanks to all, it will show Maskat as a great believer and supporter. Good idea Mark!
Calvin Carlton
P.P. Recorder
January 2024
Well we are looking at Christmas and the end of the year. Where did this year go? Father Time please slow down.
We had our elections at last night's Stated Meeting. All officers will step up to next position and Matt Spradlin is our new O.G. I have high hopes for Matt and feel very comfortable that a good choice has been made. Please congratulate him next time you see Matt.
On December 4th we had our annual Foster Kids Christmas Party. We faced declining numbers with this event over the last several years. We have already been looking at what can be done differently. Any suggestions, just let us know.
We will take down Christmas decorations December 28th at 5pm. We sure need help with this. If we can get 8-10 folks out it will be short work. Help us out if you can.
We had a great fundraiser last Saturday the 9th. Blue Cross Blue Shield updated their office chairs again. We wound up with about 200 chairs. 102 were sold to their employees at $25 each with all money going to Maskat. That was $2,550 for about 3 hours work. These are quality chairs if any Noble is interested. $25 each - first come, first served. Call Cathy in the office to get hooked up Thanks to the Nobles that helped move chairs and a very special thanks to Roy Cheney for getting this event lined up. Atta boy Roy!
We also had another fundraiser December 2-3 at Bridwell Ag Center. 6 trees were decorated and displayed with $2 tickets sold to raffle the trees and gifts off. We were very busy selling tickets. This was Bill and Kathy's child and it paid off. Over $1,100 was made after expenses. I believe the groundwork has been laid for a bigger and better event for next year. Good job Bill, Kathy, Linda Christoff, and the Nobles and Ladies that also helped.
As printed in last month's Wildcat we will have about 8 suspensions at the EOY because of non-payment of dues. These folks are 2 years behind and most we can't get ahold of. This will take us below 380 members.
Our next Stated Meeting is January 9,2024. We will install all the new officers and it is Ladies Night. So bring your special gal and let's congratulate our new Divan. Dinner/Drinks/Cake will be served. Come on out.
Bill (C/R, upcoming Potentate) Hammack is going to have a "Meet Your Divan" event January 13th. Drinks and food will be available. Starts at 6:30pm. Come out and let's show our new Potentate some support.
Last, our traditional Happy Hour is December 21st followed by the 1st one in 2024, January 18th in our own Oasis.
You guys are a special group and all very close to me. Please have a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.
Calvin Carlton
P.P. Recorder
December 2023
Our last Stated Meeting was 11-14-23 with 46 Nobles in attendance. Our next Stated Meeting will be December 12, 2023. Dinner at 6:30, meeting at 7:30. At our December meeting we will hold our Election of Officers of the 2024 year.
Again, we have one Noble that has stepped up to run for Oriental Guide. As I have said, this limits our options for any diversity. We will simply get what we get. We have asked and pleaded for Nobles to run with no response. That's all I have to say about this!
Something very positive, our Rib Cook could not have gone better. Terry Martin and Mark Patterson ran this event with help from another 5-6 Nobles. We cooked 156 slabs of ribs at $25 per slab and sold every one of them. I can attest these were as good a rib as you will find. Our plans are to cook 180 - 200 slabs next year. We made over $1900 - in a 1 day event. Good job to all!
The Potentate announced we will decorate the Temple November 26th at 1 pm. This has been on the calendar for a year. We will need all additional help for a short project. This is one we really need our Ladies to help with. Please come out and give us a hand - it won't take but a couple of hours if we have some help. We will take down on December 28th, starting just after work at 5pm. Help will be needed then as well.
Let's outline some upcoming events:
Chief Rabban Bill Hammack is running and event December 2-3. FEZtival of Trees during Wichita West VFD Christmas Show at J.S. Bridwell Hall. Drop by and see what it's all about.
The Foster Kids Christmas Party is December 4th, 6pm at the Temple. We will buy the gifts and food December 3, 1 pm at North entrance of Wal-Mart on 1-44. We will then go to the Tempe and wrap gifts. We will feed all Hot Dogs/Hamburgers/Chips. This is a special time for those kids and Maskat. We will have Clowns and Santa, come out.
In closing, I want to wish all Nobles and their families a Happy Thanksgiving. Let's get together on the 26th to decorate the Temple trees and make it look good. Potentate Knox will be forced to buy drinks.
Happy Holidays
Calvin Carlton
P.P. Recorder
November 2023
We had our Stated Meeting October 10th, there was 42 Nobles signed in for the meeting. A good meal was served by cooking unit. We handed out service awards to 9 Nobles present. There were 11 Nobles that could not attend that were due awards. We will make arrangements to get their pins to them. Thanks to all for their many years of service. Our next stated meeting will be November 14th.
Because of scheduling issues we had to cancel our upcoming Ceremonial on October 14th. We will reschedule this again in the Spring of 2024. We brought in a new member last meeting, that gave us 7 new nobles for the year. Good Job guys !! The Golf Unit had their Christmas Party at WinStar Resort and Casino. A good time was had by all that attended. The name of the resort was not changed so I am guessing no one WON BIG... Small Christmas again girls ---- Sorry.
We are having a Taco Dinner tonight at the Provost Guard building on the Shrine Land. There are several items to be drawn for after sold with proceeds going to the "Clean the Tank Fund". Let me also say that all the funds to do this has been raised by Jerry Sloan and a few other Provost Guard members. There is no Temple funds used in this project. Good luck down the final stretch guys. The Provost Guard attended the Clay County Pioneer Reunion Parade and have plans to attend the Veterans Day Parade also. Staying busy!!
Looks like we are having a successful Rib Cook Nov. 4th. All ribs we plan to cook are sold. If you haven't paid please do so. We have had one Noble announce his intention to run for O.G. If anyone is interested in running for the line please announce by the next Stated Meeting. Elections will be in December Stated Meeting. You will also need someone to present your qualifications and desire to hold office. If you have any questions please stop any Divan member and ask. You will get an answer or we will get you one.
Last item, the Temple Happy Hour will be November 16th in our Oasis. Starts at 5pm and lasts until we leave. Come out and enjoy our new Oasis.
PP Calvin Carlton Recorder
October 2023
We had our Stated Meeting last night with a very good meal served by the Cooking Unit, free I might add. It was good to see everyone after being dark so long. A lot was covered but the most exciting part is we had 52 Nobles sign in attendance. Haven't seen those numbers in a Stated Meeting in quite some time.
Let me start with the Steak Cook we had Sept 2nd at the land on Hatton Rd. There was 27 steak cookers in competition. This was the smallest turnout we have had at this event. Several reasons were given to us when asked. Economy, gas pricing, Electra dropping out, and finally simply too HOT. We had just enough Nobles to put this on with no issues. We will really take a hard look at this event before committing to 2024. It was the first year we lost money (steaks up 50 also). More on this later.
Next the Circus, we had a very small amount of people show up to watch the show. The Temple had less than 5 Nobles in the stands and didn't have enough Shriners to cover the sale of color books. Brian Gaylor got the Burkburnett FFA students to help as a community service. Thanks to them we had enough people to cover the stands. Also we had only 87 Noble tickets sold, 69 of them were All Stars. This and color book sales are our only income to the Temple. Guy's this won't work, that is 196 Nobles that didn't buy tickets. Enough said I!!
We have a Ceremonial upcoming October 14th for our new members. We need some help putting this on. Please contact the office or our Potentate. We also are asking for the nobility to attend. It's scheduled for 2PM, we will have snacks available after and the bar will be open after as well. Ladies are welcome to attend also.
We will not be cooking Turkeys this year, we will be cooking Terry Martin ribs. $25 per slab, same as last year. 140 slabs will be available for sale. Call Cathy at the office to secure your ribs.
Keep in mind we need to think about an O.G. for next year. If you are thinking about running simply contact any Divan member and we can explain the Timeline to announce and answer any questions you may have. Thanks
Our next Stated Meeting is October 9th at 7:30, dinner at 6:30. This will be Ladies Night and presentation of awards. Watch for a calling post for additional information.
Happy Hour at the Oasis will be Sept 21st and October 19th. Please come out and enjoy our new Oasis.
PP Calvin Carlton Recorder
September 2023
Well folks it has been a very long very hot summer but it's time to get back together and make some things happen. By the time this comes out we will have had our Steak Cook-Off and the Shrine Circus.
Let me talk about the Steak Cook-Off. This is a special event that does not take much manpower from Nobility. It's not a huge money-maker but has the possibility of growing within the competitive steak cooking community. Come if you can come; Saturday the 2nd of September between 9 and 10am.
Now the Circus, as last year it will be at the Mounted Patrol Arena on 369. It's a one day event but we must have more people helping with the selling of Color Books. Last year we simply didn't have enough Nobles to cover the stands as needed. So ... here is the ask, come help with the sale of the Color Books - your Temple needs you. September 4th - 5:30pm - at Mounted Patrol. One last item on the Circus. The only way Maskat makes ANY money on the Circus is sale of Color Books and Noble ticket sales. As of today, sales on Noble tickets are 40 less than last year. Please if you haven't purchased your Noble tickets, call Cathy at 940-766-4511 and do so. These events will help keep the doors open and
dues as low as possible.
We are having our Shrimp Boil this Saturday the 19th at the Temple. Doors open at 2pm and will be there until 5pm. This is NOT a fundraiser. It is totally paid for by our Potentate Mike Knox. Open/Free Bar and free shrimp. Check out the expansion of the Oasis with a different twist. I think you will like the changes!
I am missing all you guys and look forward to the next Unit Council meeting Wednesday, September 6th, 6:30pm in the Oasis and our Stated Meeting Tuesday, September 12th. Dinner at 6:30pm, meeting at 7:30pm.
Not too early to start thinking about officers for next year.
PP Calvin Carlton Recorder
August 2023
Let me start with saying "ThankYou" for all the calls, cards, food, and prayers during my Mother's illness and passing. I know everyone goes through these times with family members but it really was comforting to know that there was a special group offering that level of support. I just hope I have been there for each of you in the way all have been for me. One more big "THANK YOU" and I will move on.
We did have the Oil Bowl since we last met. It was again a success. Weather was an issue during the game with a rather lengthy delay but the game was finished. If it's not 110 degrees it's raining. That's the one thing we can't control. I'm sure Greg will have some good numbers for us to review during our next meeting.
Several Nobles attended Imperial July 2-6 at Charlotte, NC. C/R Bill Hammack was our voting delegate. He will report on some key items that was on the floor and outcome of each. I will drop this, $20 per capita vote did pass with some drama!! Bill will explain.
There was a 238th Birthday Party Saturday 15th at Shrine land in honor of Jerry and Bev Sloan and Joe Kirk. Good time was had by all and great food as usual. I believe the age breakdown was Jerry (50), Bev (49), and Joe (139). Joe you do look good for your age!! Happy Birthday again.
We had the carpet cleaned at the Temple. Thanks to all the folks that helped move all the "STUFF" so that could be completed.
Finishing touches are being done to the Oasis. If you haven't seen it -- it will wake you up. If you like the carpet, I picked it out. If you don't your Potentate picked it out alone . . .
One last thing, we have a Potentate Party August 19th at the Temple, 2pm. It's a Shrimp Boil with all the goodies and an OPEN BAR. This is in lieu of a Potentate's Trip. Come out and help spend some of the Potentate's money.
Our next stated meeting will be September 12th, 2023. Dinner at 6:30 with meeting stating at 7:30. Hope so see ya there.
PP Calvin Carlton, Recorder
June 2023
Well, here we go. Update on the Oasis, carpet is to be here in the next week and hope to have it installed ASAP.
As discussed in the last stated meeting, we have interest in selling up to 2 acres of the land to Faith Lodge for building a new facility to the south of our parking lot. This is early stages and talks have just started. Stay tuned.
TSA is just around the corner and will be over before we get together again. Will report on results later.
After we return from TSA the Oil Bowl weeks starts. Agenda will be sent out from the Office. Football and basketball games will be on June 17th. We are back at Memorial Stadium for Football again. Please purchase your Noble tickets from Cathy.
Also upcoming is our Maskat Crawfish Boil on May 20th, 2-5pm, $15 per person at the Temple. Hope we have as much fun as we did last year. Moving to recent special events, our Maskat Golf Tournament was again a great success, 22-24 teams played and everyone received a prize or door prize. We will end up making between $8,000-$8,500 after expenses. Need to send out a big "THANK YOU" to all the volunteers, sponsors, and most of all, Players.
The Provost Guard has had several fundraisers for the development of the tank on Hatton Road land. First, the Tex-Mex dinner on April 15th then the High Tea April 29th. Both were very successful and money makers. Per Jerry Sloan, the funding is over half way complete with no Maskat funding! Good work and Good Luck guys. The Provost Guard also had their Fun Shoot April 22nd. It was well attended with a lot of visiting Temples participating. The Provost Guard has been busy.
On a somber note, I want to say one last good bye to PP Mark Terry. Thank you for your service to our Temple and the cause. You will be missed. Also Imperial Potentate Bill Bailey passed away May 7th.
We again had 44 Nobles attending our last Stated Meeting. June will be the last before going dark.
The Temple will be closed Monday, May 29th, to observe Memorial Day.
PP Calvin Carlton, Recorder
May 2023
We are well into the Spring season. We have had several successful special events since our last Wildcat.
First we had a good showing at the Unit Council Meeting and was able to address several issues before presenting to Nobility. We also had 45 Nobles at the Stated Meeting last month. The Cooking Unit paid for and served a good meal (free) before the meeting. It's really good to see the Nobility coming around again, and we had another new member
come in on top of that. All good news.
The Easter Egg Hunt was a very well attended event. The Clowns did a great job with the children. The Nobility really stepped up and helped move tables/chairs/trash cans. Joey brought his big cooker out and we had the ladies serving. Lots of full baskets leaving with smiles on those kids faces. We did good guys. Thanks a bunch.
Now for upcoming events. The Provost Guard will have a Fun Shoot Saturday 22nd. This is an Open Shoot for Shriners
and non-Shriners. This will be in the book by the time you read this. Planning has been good and have no reason to expect anything but a great event. Update later.
I want to speak of the efforts to raise money to clean the tank at the Hatton Road land. There was a Tex-Mex Dinner at the Provost Guard building last Saturday 15th of April. It could not have been any better. The food was great and was attended by 95 people purchasing tickets. Great time and great food!! ALSO the High Tea is 29th of April. Tickets are $30 each. This is geared toward the ladies and very close to selling out. Proceeds going to clean tank at the land. Again more after event.
Our Unit Council/Divan meeting is scheduled for May 3rd, 6:30 in the Oasis. Please Join us for a small but filling meal provided by our Potentate. The Stated Meeting will be May 9th. I hope we can top the 50 Nobles attendance mark. We have 2 more Stated Meetings before we go dark. Wow, going fast.
We have our largest special event coming May 5th, the Shrine Temple Golf Tournament at River Creek Golf Course. 1 pm shotgun start with the 4-person scramble format. Ed Hall and Gordy Antill have collected a ton of prizes. Grab a non-Shriner and call Cathy to put a team in. This is one of the fun ones so don't miss it. More later on results.
The last special event in May is our Crawfish Boil on the 20th, 2-5pm at the Temple. $15 per person, all you can eat. This was well attended last year. If you missed it, don't do that again. There are several people who can show you how to peel and eat if needed. Again, one of my favorites. Greg and Joey will man the cookers with help from several other Nobles. Make plans to attend this one.
TSA is upcoming June 8-10 in Fort Worth. Cathy has all the information and how to sign up. We really would like to see a good attendance. It won't get any closer until we host it again.
As you see there is a lot going on. Come out to your Temple for fun and fellowship! Thanks.
Calvin Carlton, PP Recorder
April 2023
It is the season and we have started filling up our Calendar every month. With the Potentate's Ball and Divan Mid-Winter behind us, we are looking toward several Shrine activities and Fundraisers. I feel we just finished one of the most fun OG Trips that I have ever attended. We secured the bus for the trip and it was good to be together on the trip to Shreveport and back. We had an OG and a half walking, and we kept them busy. Golf was fun and we had one of the most informative Hospital tour in a long time. Of course we gathered for Chicken Wings after the tour that lasted several hours. We had about fifteen nobles attend this lunch. Good times were had by all. We plan on securing the Bus again next year and are hoping to get thirty plus people on the bus. Let's start planting the seed now!
Note - We have Happy Hour at the Temple every third Thursday, every month. Join us for some snacks and fun
for a while.
The Easter Egg Hunt is April 8th at the Shrine Land on Hatton Road. This is open to all Shriners and guests.
Bring the family out for Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, and chips. Good time to showcase the Shrine at a fun event.
Golf Unit upcoming events - Golf Mid-Winter is April 19-21 in Fredericksburg, Texas, followed by the Shrine Golf
Tournament May 5th at River Creek. We need help selling additional hole sponsors--see Ed Hall or Gordy Antill.
The Cooking Unit will sponsor a Crawfish Boil May 20th, 2-5pm, $15 per person. Good event to bring non-Shriner
out and even dip into several Blue Lodges for people to invite. This is fun and very popular; don't miss this one.
Call Greg or any Cooking Unit member with questions.
TSA cost has increased, as expressed in Stated Meeting; the cost is now $100 per Noble and $25 for spouse. The Temple will pay $50 (1/2) of Noble fee if attending. It's in Fort Worth this year - very close to us. Let's have
a good showing. Call Cathy for details.
Our Potentate has a project that was brought to Unit Council and was passed unanimously. We talked to Nobility
last Stated Meeting as well. This is the expansion of the Oasis. The plan is to expand into the Clown Unit room
and put up the Crap Table and Blackjack tables. We see several advantages including rentals. Any questions,
please ask any Divan member.
That's about it for this month, OH wait - we had a free chicken-fried steak dinner at Stated Meeting. 43 Nobles
attended! May do that again
Calvin Carlton, PP Recorder
March 2023
Well we are off and running with our new Divan in place. It has been a much smoother transition than I expected. We seem to be going the same direction. We have just come off of a couple of rather good events. First the Potentate's Ball, was decorated very nice, thanks Rickie and the girls. Good food, good DJ, casino night was fun as well. Good start to our Potentate and Lady. Next was Divan Mid-Winter in Granbury. Was very informative and returned with lots to think and talk about. Per Capita dues increase surfaced again. It will be voted on at Imperial this summer. There is some Hospital information I will report on at next Stated Meeting on
March 14th.
Lady Rickie has received a lot of support from a lot of the ladies, not just Divan. I want to thank all, but a special shout out to Jody Miller. I know for a fact she has been in the middle of both special events to make sure they looked good and ran smooth. Thanks Lady Jody! Also during Super Bowl, Dee Ann Reed is the guru of the betting boards. From making boards, organizing betting squares, paying out, and just knowing how many supplies needed to pull it all off. Also the Food Bank donation!
Thanks Lady Dee Ann.
As always we need members desperately. We only have 1 vote at Imperial because we dropped below 300 members. Let's shake the bushes and get some fresh ideas in our Temple.
Get ready for a good O.G. Trip. We have the bus again, we have golf, Hospital Tour, bowling, gambling, and good fellowship. Wheels up 2-23-23 @ 4pm. Don't miss it!
Calvin Carlton, PP Recorder
February 2023
We are in a New Year and it looks to have some promise. We installed new officers with a new Potentate, Mike Knox. It was good to see some Nobles at the stated meeting we haven't seen in quite some time. We all hope this continues thru the rest of the year. We also have great expectations for Potentate Knox and his lady Rickie. They have planned a fun and interesting Potentate's Ball on January 28th. Hope t see a bunch of Nobles and guests in attendance.
I also want to give a shout out to our outgoing Potentate, Dooby Fox, and Lady JoAnn. They set the bar pretty high for anyone to follow. Dooby, I just want to say from the entire Nobility--it has truly been a pleasure. Thank you both for your service and commitment. Good Luck.
Second big news: If you haven't heard, we had a Noble step up and ask us about running for O.G. Brian Gaylor was nominated and elected into that office last stated meeting. This is Bill and Kathy Hammack's son-in-law. I'm sure most have met him and his wife. They have been attending for years. I think Brian and Manya will be a good addition to the Divan. Glad to have ya'll.
It looks promising on our O.G. trip, everything on target. We need about 25+ people going to justify the cost of the bus. So if you plan to go, please call Cathy at the office and get on the list. I think we will have gun again, and I am looking forward to some fellowship and a Hospital tour.
I want to speak for a minute about membership. We are currently down to 289 Nobles. We did have a good year last year as far as new members, but the Black Camel and suspensions really took it's toll. Please invite some non Shriners to our events just to expose them to what we do. We have the best kept secret in Texas but sure need to let people know!!
Calvin Carlton
PP Recorder
January 2023
We had 44 Nobles at the stated meeting last night. This was our Election night, and we also brought in one new member and one visitor that is moving his membership to Maskat, for a total of two--great news again!! Our total membership is still hovering above 300 even with the Black Camel visiting almost every month.
Our last two special events went very well with good participation by Nobility. First, the Turkey Cook: We cooked 200 turkeys over a Saturday and Sunday before Thanksgiving. They turned out great. I have eaten from 2 different ones and both were fantastic. Had a lot of other good comments on the quality, and we made $2,281 for the Temple. The other event was the Foster Kids Christmas Party. We had lots of help purchasing and wrapping the gifts and the cooking unit cooked hamburgers and hot dogs for all. The turnout was a little weak from Parents and Kids, but those who came had a good time, presents, food, and a visit from Santa!!
Our Potentate's Ball is upcoming on the 28th of January. Also scheduled is the O.G. trip; it's on the books for February 23-26.
The last item I want to mention is the Elections. I really don't know what to think or how to address this. We had NO-ONE run for O.G. This is a first for Maskat. Excuses are just that. Excuses. Our current Potentate drove an hour each day 3-4 times a week for 5 years, and many others worked 60 plus hour-a-week jobs while on the Divan--myself included.
I implore someone to tell me where we are missing the boat. We must be doing something wrong.
Calvin Carlton
PP Recorder