
The Golf Unit is a member of the Texas Shrine Golf Association, ( T.S.G.A.). As a member we qualify to play in the State competition and mid winter competition held yearly at various Shrine locations through out the State. As a unit we meet monthly and have 1-2 play days monthly (practice rounds) at local courses.

We are active in all Temple functions, including, but not limited to the Shrine Circus, Easter Egg hunt, Annual Oil Bowl Classic.

Several of our members play in other Golf Functions in the community, reaching out to help other charitable organizations.

In 2006, the Maskat Golf Unit was State Champs, this competition was hosted in Wichita Falls. Terry Martin won low net in the Championship Flight.

Mid-Winter in Wichita Falls in 2006, Ron Widby won low gross in the Championship Flight.

At the 2008 Mid-Winter in Fort Worth, Bob Blackmore won low gross and low net in the Championship Flight.

At the 2008 State in San Antonio, Maskat won 3rd place team, and Bob Blackmore won low gross and low net in the Championship Flight.  Ron Widby was second in low gross in the Championship Flight.

If you have questions about this unit, call or email Maskat Office

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